Thursday, January 22, 2009

Letter #6

Jonathan -

It was another long day today. I had a day of work, driving my sister to the airport in Dallas (less than 45 minutes there; over 2 hours back), and more homework in preparation for Saturday. We're also getting ready to have guests beginning Saturday for a week! Our friends the Doeden's are coming to stay with us while the husband does some traveling business in the area. I'm very excited to see them since they moved to North Dakota a year ago. They'll be bringing their daughter with them who was still in utero when they moved.

I had crashed in bed and laid there for several minutes before I realized there was a part of my day missing - writing to you! It's not that I HAVE to write you daily, it's that I want to. Right now I think this is the only way I can show you how much you mean to me.

I have stories I want to share, but they'll have to wait for another time.

Love you!

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